This comprehensive program included hands on curriculum surrounding different roles within the vast field of cybersecurity. I completed multiple hands on projects involving the work of a GRC Analyst, System Administrator, an Incident Responder, Ethical Hacker, DFIR Specialist, and SOC Analyst.
Professional Certificate in Cybersecurity - Arizona State University
The Security+ exam verifies you have the knowledge and skills required to:
Assess the security posture of an enterprise environment and recommend and implement appropriate security solutions.
Monitor and secure hybrid environments, including cloud, mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), and operational technology.
Operate with an awareness of applicable regulations and policies, including principles of governance, risk, and compliance.
Identify, analyze, and respond to security events and incidents.
CompTIA Security+ is compliant with ISO 17024 standards and approved by the U.S. DoD to meet Directive 8140.03M requirements. Regulators and government rely on ANSI accreditation because it provides confidence and trust in the outputs of an accredited program. Over 3 million CompTIA ISO/ANSI-accredited exams have been delivered since January 1, 2011.
CompTIA Security+ ce
The PJPT certification is a beginner-level penetration testing exam experience. This exam will assess a student’s ability to perform an internal network penetration test at an associate level. Students will have two (2) full days to complete the assessment and an additional two (2) days to write a professional report. In order to receive the certification, a student must:
1) Leverage their Active Directory exploitation skillsets to perform lateral and vertical network movements and ultimately compromise the exam Domain Controller
2) Provide a detailed, professionally written report.